Lesson Policies
Cancellation of a lesson must be made AT LEAST 24 hours prior to the scheduled lesson time in order to receive a make-up lesson (for definition of a make-up lesson, please see below). This includes leaving voice messages, text or email.
No shows or failure to notify Tom within 24 hours is considered a forfeited lesson.
No more than 1 cancellation a month. Exceptions can be made under particular circumstances.
If you know of dates ahead of time where you/your child cannot make a lesson, please notify Tom when booking/paying for your lessons.
There are NO refunds on unused or cancelled lessons.
Should you choose to take a break, unused lessons can be banked for you for a period of 3 months. Unused lessons after that time will be considered forfeited.
Should you decide to stop taking lessons altogether, please give Tom one month's notice.
Any lessons cancelled at least 24 hours ahead of the scheduled lesson will receive a make-up lesson at a time convenient to both the teacher and the student.
Typically, make-up lessons take place at an alternate time/day within the week.
Make-up lessons not used after 3 months will be considered forfeited
Payments can be made by Venmo, Cash App or check.
Receipts and email reminders will be sent out to let you know when tuition is due.
All lesson fees are due prior to your first lesson each month.
There are NO REFUNDS on unused or cancelled lessons.
If your lesson falls on a holiday we will schedule for a different day that week, unless you notified Tom that you will be taking the week off in advance.
If Tom needs to cancel a lesson and a make-up can not be scheduled we will skip over that week’s lesson and resume the following week and a credit will be applied the next month’s lessons.